
Very Low carb snack - Pork Crackling 低糖質のスナックと言えばボーク・クラックリング

Most of the snacks you can get at supermarket are all high in carb.... BUT this is VERY low in carb and yummy!

This is something I wouldn't have noticed or wouldn't thought of buying if I didn't know anything about low carb diet.  Made out pork rind and fat.....  never thought something like this could be considered healthy!!!!!

According to Wikipedia under Health Issue, it reads... 

"Since most pork snacks are low in carbohydrates, they are an alternative snack food for those following the Atkins diet. According to Men's Health, a 1 ounce (28 g) serving contains nine times the protein and less fat than is found in a serving of potato chips, which are much higher in carbohydrates. They add that 43 percent of pork rind's fat is unsaturated, and most of that is oleic acid, the same healthy fat found in olive oil. Another 13 percent of its fat content is stearic acid, a type of saturated fat that is considered harmless because it does not raise cholesterol levels.[3] A 60g serving of pork rind contains 29g of fat, 375 kcal and 0.65g of sodium.[4]"

Thumbs up from me!

Today we had a plate of pork crackling at Pomeroy's.  Place to be in Christchurch if you are a beer lover and their pork crackling is soooo good!!



ウィキペディアの健康欄によると、「炭水化物量が低いので、アトキンズダイエットをやっている人がスナック菓子代わりに食べている。Men's Health(たぶん雑誌の名前?)によると1オンス(28g)に高炭水化物ポテトチップスの9倍のタンパク質。脂質はそれより低い。脂肪の質も良くて。。。うんぬん。。。」とべた褒め。




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