
Low-carb snack - pork crackling! 低糖質なスナック - ポーククラックリング

I've found the pork crackling became one of the regular products on the shelf at meat section of my regular supermarket these days.  It is totally low carb snack and ... very cheap!!

Here is how we cook.....

First of all, you dry the surface by wrapping it by tea towel and leave in the fridge overnight.

Then cut them into pieces, put some salt on top and put into oven heated to 180C for 30min. 

If it is not cooked extend for another 10-15min.

Put the oven temperature up to 250C and set at Grill.... make sure to leave the oven door wide open otherwise the oil from the pork will make whole oven smokey!!

Every one minute, check the crackling, retrieve the ones done.  

Once you get nice bubbles on top they are done! 表面がプクプくと膨れていたら出来上がりです。

Once done, you can gather lard that dripped from the crackling!!!


Found nice Coconut oil ココナツオイル

When you have low carb diet, you tend to have high in protein and fat.  So the higher quality fat is the better of course.

As soon as I leant olive oil is better than any other vegetable oil, started using olive oil. 

Then learnt all the vegetable oil should be avoided except olive oil and coconut oil.  As the cooking temperature of olive oil is rather low, I started using "coconut cooking oil", not knowing there are different types of coconut oils exist.  Some people said coconuts oil has strong smell of coconuts... but I didn't think so.....   

Then I learnt extra virgin coconut oil is even better.  Oh the aroma of the oil!!  Soooo nice.  I see this is what it means by 'the smell of coconuts'!!!  

Believe it or not, it is nice to put a spoonful of this extra virgin coconuts oil in a cup of coffee!!!!










Lamb Spare Rib ラムのスペアリブ

The picture is lamb spare ribs.  Turned out to be very nice... BUT I don't think I can make the same again....!!

They were marinated with soy sauce, sweetener, grounded garlic, homemade tomato sauce.  The sesame and flax seed on top.  Grilled for 7 minutes each side and left in the oven for 15 minutes.....

We get fish twice a week, today was cod.  Lemon, sake, salt and pepper on top, covered by foil and put into oven....  Easy!!





Valentine's Day Dinner? バレンタインデーの夕食。。。?

Valentine's Day was the topic of the day.  Almost everyone on Facebook was talking about it all day today.  My Japanese friends had lots of photos of chocolates (in Japan, girls give chocolates to boys).  And lots of photos of delicious food from NZ side of friends.

So our dinner table ended up being colourful as well!  

Leftover Chicken Drum with chilli flavour from yesterday, leftover lamb chop from today's lunch, Quiche with spinach, onion and mushroom, Tarakihi with seaweed flavour, leftover roast beef from yesterday, and caesar salad!!  Didn't cook much but a lot of variety!!

Now chocolate.... someone had chocolate mousse on fb... now I wanted to have it too so here is one on our table!  Cacao nib on top!

Happy Valentine's Day!







Low Carb Curry! 低糖質にカレーを食べる

Orthodox curry in Japan is very high in carb with lots flour of in it. There is no way to fit in the menu of low carb dinner . . . . So , alternative to it is real Indian curry which does not use flour to thicken it. . . That said , it is not that easy for me to make Indian curry that the types and timing of spices are most important, it's not like getting Japanese curry roux from supermarket and make it without even looking at the recipe.

Now I discovered this!!!  Indian Curry Recipe Kits by Spice n Easy.  At Countdown Moorehouse Ave.  

Around six different spices are individually packed in the small bags, all got different numbers that matches the numbers in the order of use in the recipe which is also in the package. 

Spices are measured already, and you won't miss the timing to use the spice as long as you follow the recipe. EASY!!

Make it a slightly thinner taste cos neither rice nor naan are accompanied - or eat with Naan made with soy flour if you have time !

で、発見したのがこちら。私が買うのはCountdown Moorehouse Avenue。





Low carb homemade tomato sauce... 自家製ケチャップ

Tomato sauce is often used in cooking but it is rather high in carb. Just a little bit of it can contain 4 - 5g of carb..... So, I've made one myself.

I didn't want to spend too much time on making, I searched easy recipe and found one that you use a can of tomato.

A can of tomato, onion, garlic, salt, honey(sweetener), black pepper, basil, oregano, nutmeg, mixed spice, cinnamon stick and bay leaf.

The recipe used grated onion, but just cutting onion makes my eyes watery, 'grating' is almost like a suicide with fire in my eyes - no way!!  Here is a food processor does work for me - onions, garlic and tomato all processed together. EASY!

It turned out to be very delicious with cinnamon stick giving nice flavour. I put sweetener instead of honey as was on the original recipe, but was no prob.

Very rough calculation but should be about 30g of carb in total.  There should be more than 30 table spoonful there, so less than 1g for 1Tbs. All good!

It doesn't last long so half of it is kept in freezer.



参考にさせてもらったレシピ → http://nanapi.jp/109853/






Very Low carb snack - Pork Crackling 低糖質のスナックと言えばボーク・クラックリング

Most of the snacks you can get at supermarket are all high in carb.... BUT this is VERY low in carb and yummy!

This is something I wouldn't have noticed or wouldn't thought of buying if I didn't know anything about low carb diet.  Made out pork rind and fat.....  never thought something like this could be considered healthy!!!!!

According to Wikipedia under Health Issue, it reads... 

"Since most pork snacks are low in carbohydrates, they are an alternative snack food for those following the Atkins diet. According to Men's Health, a 1 ounce (28 g) serving contains nine times the protein and less fat than is found in a serving of potato chips, which are much higher in carbohydrates. They add that 43 percent of pork rind's fat is unsaturated, and most of that is oleic acid, the same healthy fat found in olive oil. Another 13 percent of its fat content is stearic acid, a type of saturated fat that is considered harmless because it does not raise cholesterol levels.[3] A 60g serving of pork rind contains 29g of fat, 375 kcal and 0.65g of sodium.[4]"

Thumbs up from me!

Today we had a plate of pork crackling at Pomeroy's.  Place to be in Christchurch if you are a beer lover and their pork crackling is soooo good!!



ウィキペディアの健康欄によると、「炭水化物量が低いので、アトキンズダイエットをやっている人がスナック菓子代わりに食べている。Men's Health(たぶん雑誌の名前?)によると1オンス(28g)に高炭水化物ポテトチップスの9倍のタンパク質。脂質はそれより低い。脂肪の質も良くて。。。うんぬん。。。」とべた褒め。





Failure.... 大失敗

Thought I could make something else with soy flour..... so used bread maker again to bake another type of bread.....   well...... total failure....!!

It did not raise......  

I thought the process and timing of raise step in the recipe book was slightly different from that of bread maker... I guess bread (yeast) is more sensitive that I thought....




Low carb pizza! 低糖質ピザ

Made a pizza from soy bean flour for lunch today.  Bread maker did the most of the job!
One with tuna, the other with smoked salmon, and veges like tomato, onion and green pepper.

First time I got the texture more like real pizza than "cookies".  Half of it went into freezer after shaping. Yay!






Mung Bean Fettuccine 緑豆のフェットチーネ

The other day it was Black Bean Spaghetti.  Today we had Mung Bean Fettuccine!  

Mung Bean contain slightly higher carb so I just used one serving between two of us just like a side menu.

There was a 1/4 bottle of spaghetti sauce in the fridge, so I put pan fried chicken, boiled broccoli,  boiled eggs and fettuccine on the plate with the spaghetti sauce and cheese on top.  

Makes you wonder how you get this nice and smooth texture just with mung beans and water, but at least it gives you more option of low carb pasta like dish.

I think the fettuccine will also good with cream sauce .... like carbonara etc... yes, next time!

先日は黒豆のスパゲティ。今日は同じ会社の緑豆のフェットチーネ。パッケージをよく見るとFettuccine shapeって書いてあるので「もどき」って感じかと。







Black Bean Spaghetti 黒豆のパスタ

For lunch today, we had Black Bean Spaghetti that Jeff found at Piko the other day.

Not sure how you get this nice smooth texture with just black beans and water as its ingredients but it certainly went really well with coconuts milk. I cooked it with Chinese radish and thinly sliced lamb in coconuts milk flavoured with green curry paste.  

It says 17g carbs per servings....but it looks like 12g out of it is dietary fibre so it should be just 5g sugar that push blood sugar level up..... I think.

Its texture was almost like soba......  maybe I will try to make soba soup to go with it next time!!






Low carb in my way.....  私なりのローカーボ

I have decided to record what I find, what I make, what I read, what I eat..... in relation to low carb food and life.

Here is the picture of thinly cut lamb with coriander flavoured with fish sauce and sweetener. EASY!!

